Hier komen wij vandaan book coverBook pageThe Little Mermaid book imageBook pageThe Little Mermaid book imageBook page

This is where we come from

A mother and daughter lead a wandering existence, a factory worker dreams of starting a tropical-fish store, two lovers decide to build a house together, and the little mermaid is confronted with harsh reality.

In this story about animal people and human animals, the fairy tales of Andersen and Grimm find their contemporary resonance. This is where we come from is an intense and extraordinary debut by a surprising new voice in literature.

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Release date: Sep 15, 2021
Pages: 224
Publisher: Querido
ISBN: 9789021421278

'A novel at once raw and fairy-tale, so carefully written that every word is just the right thing.'

- Roos van Rijswijk

'The precision of the language contrasts with the awkwardness with which Baerwaldt's characters make a mess of their lives. Stylish, poetic, rangy and poignant.'

- Marijke Schermer
"An engaged writer, Leonieke Baerwaldt, and also original."
De Volkskrant, the talents of 2022
“The Little Mermaid fairy tale moved to the present. This debutant does it so original and smart that you are left slightly stunned. Those scars behind that mother's ear... are they gills? Hooray, the literary experiment is still alive. '
Trouw, beste boeken van 2021
“Leonieke Baerwaldt weaves the enchanting visual language of a fairy tale with a raw story of loss, displacement, poverty and abuse.”
NRC (****)
“Leonieke Baerwaldt returns to the gruesome aspect in our fairy tales in her extraordinary debut, “Here We Come From.” A happy ending gives way to social criticism.”
***** Cutting Edge, De 5 beste uit de Lage Landen 2021
“It's really impressive. It is a mosaic story (...) and she succeeds with gusto. Keep an eye on that name. '
Ruth Joos, Brommer op Zee
“The incongruity of life, seriously shaped. Great book, in the sense of being speechless, impressed. '
Literair Nederland
“Thanks to Baerwaldt's recycling of fables, myths, and fairy tales by Andersen and Grimm, we experience what binds us, humans.”
'(...) Leonieke Baerwaldt's wonderful yet poignant debut.'
Het Parool
“Baerwaldt has a solid, unemphatically visual style.”
De Volkskrant
“A wonderful and wonderful debut by Leonieke Baerwaldt, which amazes the reader from one to the next.”
“It's a hypnotic, melancholic story that Baerwaldt tells. Her words are poetic and each one is convincing. '
**** Noordhollands Dagblad
“Impressive debut novel.”
Eindhovens Dagblad
“Just as every fairy tale shows something of what people hope, suspect, desire or fear, “Here we come from” also moves into the deeper layers of our soul.”
Friesch Dagblad

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